IVAMA CEO Meet held at Hubli on 20th May, 2023, provided a great learning and networking opportunity. The importance of growth and the need for collective efforts to strengthen our global footprint were the main theme of the meet. With this in mind, the deliberations revolved around "Vision for Future" with two high impact and inightful sessions. Session 1: Create a Culture of Agile Collaboration in a VUCA World - by Mr Amit Soundalgekar, who highlighted the importance of building a culture of Vulnerability, Humility & Authenticity to stay relevant & achieve a purposeful growth. Session 2: Building the Future: Strategies for Creating a New Age Organization - by Dr. Aravind Chinchure. He emphasised the impact of convergence of technologies and the need to adapt concept of SMART factories & SMART products, to move from linear to exponential growth. The sessions followed with Q&A & a CEO roundtable discussion to address matters related to involvement of IVAMA members in engineering college curriculum and future of the Supply Chain
IVAMA CEO Meet1 Agenda
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Event Details

  • Title: CEO Meet
  • Date: 20 May 2023 to
    20 May 2023
  • Venue: Denissons Hotel, Hubli